CSCS Mock Test – Fire Extinguishers (Fire Safety and Control)

This CSCS mock test on fire extinguishers and fire safety features 26 up-to-date questions for those taking their CSCS card test in 2024. As a bonus, we have also included a few other CSCS fire extinguisher test questions from previous years to help you get a better understanding of the types of questions in this core knowledge section.

If you would like to do a bit of light reading on fire extinguishers and fire safety before attempting this mock test, you can check out our revision notes here.  Don’t forget to like, share, or comment if you found this CSCS mock test on fire extinguishers and safety procedures helpful. The pass mark for this practice test is 22 out of 26. Good luck!!!

1. What type of fire extinguisher should be used on cooking oil fires?

Question 1 of 26

2. If you have to work alone you might be asked to ______.

Question 2 of 26

3. What do fire extinguishers with a Red colour band contain?

Question 3 of 26

4. You’re about to carry out a job which requires a hot-work permit, you must ensure____. (Choose 2 answers)

Question 4 of 26

5. Which of these emergency procedures should be explained at your site induction? (Choose 3 answers)

Question 5 of 26

6. You have to work in a corridor which happens to be a fire escape route, you must ensure that_________.

Question 6 of 26

7. The nozzle of a CO2 fire extinguisher is well known for becoming ___ after use.

Question 7 of 26

8. What do fire extinguishers with a Blue colour band contain?

Question 8 of 26

9. How would you know if you need a permit to work before starting a job?

Question 9 of 26

10. What do fire extinguishers with a Cream colour band contain?

Question 10 of 26

11. Which of these are common fire risks on a constructions site? (Choose 2 answers)

Question 11 of 26

12. What should you do if you’re refuelling a piece of equipment and accidentally spill a large amount of fuel on your clothes?

Question 12 of 26

13. You have to carry out a job that requires flammable liquid, how much flammable liquid should you take from the stores?

Question 13 of 26

14. What type of fire extinguisher should be used on a fuel-based fire?

Question 14 of 26

15. What should you do if there’s a fire on-site and the designated fire warden has given instructions?

Question 15 of 26

16. What should you do if there is a large fire on-site and you have not been trained to use a fire extinguisher?

Question 16 of 26

17. What do fire extinguishers with a Black colour band contain?

Question 17 of 26

18. What procedure should you follow if you’re refuelling a dumper and accidentally spill a large amount of petrol?

Question 18 of 26

19. What is the first thing you should do if you discover a fire on-site?

Question 19 of 26

20. Which two fire extinguishers should you avoid using in confined spaces? (Choose 2 answers)

Question 20 of 26

21. Besides a CO2 fire extinguisher, which of these should you use to tackle electrical fires?

Question 21 of 26

22. Which of these should NOT be used on electrical fires? (Choose 2 answers)

Question 22 of 26

23. According to the fire triangle, what 3 factors must be present for a fire to start? (Choose 3 answers)

Question 23 of 26

24. What is the main purpose of a fire extinguisher?

Question 24 of 26

25. Which of these is most likely if you can see frost around the valve of an LPG cylinder?

Question 25 of 26

26. What is the first thing you should do if you notice diesel spilling onto the ground while a colleague is refuelling an excavator?

Question 26 of 26



  1. Dave March 10, 2020
    • Barry Ward August 4, 2020
    • Barry Ward August 4, 2020
    • May 28, 2021
    • Pawel March 14, 2024
  2. John Sullivan February 18, 2020
  3. Tanto September 11, 2019

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