CSCS Mock Test 2025
There’s no getting away from it, the only way to pass, is to ensure you get enough CSCS mock test questions done before you take your test, for this reason we’ve created these FREE CSCS mock test questions to help you practice and prepare for your test. Here’s an example of an Operatives CSCS mock test with questions similar to the ones you’ll face in the 2025 test:
CSCS Test Revision Topics
Just like every other test, preparation is key. You can use any CSCS mock test to practice online but if you don’t understand the key concepts of each topic you will be essentially setting yourself up for failure. With that in mind, here are the CSCS test revision topics you will need to revise to ensure you pass your test in 2025:
- General Responsibilities
- Accident Reporting and Recording
- Health and Welfare
- First Aid and Emergency Procedures
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Dust and Fumes – Respiratory Hazards
- Noise and Vibration
- Hazardous Substances
- Manual Handling
- Safety Signs
- Fire Prevention and Control
- Electrical Safety, Tools and Equipment
- Site Transport Safety and Lifting Procedures
- Working at Height
- Excavations and Confined Spaces
- Environmental Awareness and Waste Control
Taking the CSCS test
The CITB Health, Safety and Environment test for Operatives will have 50 multiple-choice questions broken down into 2 main groups, these are the behavioural case study questions and the standard multiple-choice questions (core knowledge questions).
- Behavioural case study questions: For this section, you will need to answer 12 questions, these questions will feature a fictional character going about the daily routine of a worker on-site, as the day progresses you will be asked different questions as to what the character should do when a certain situation arises.
- Core knowledge questions: The remaining 38 questions will come from the core knowledge questions; these questions will be drawn at random from the 16 categories listed above. All the questions will be in a multiple-choice format with a slight variation as to how you interact with them, these are as follow:
- Hot spot questions: Hot spot questions can be answered by selecting the correct spot on an image.
- Hot area question: Hot area questions can be answered by selecting the correct area on an image.
- Drag and drop questions: Drag and drop questions can be answered by dragging an answer and dropping it in the correct area for that question.
- Standard multiple-choice questions: These are the regular multiple-choice questions where you have to select the correct answer from a list of options, these can also be images.
CSCS Test Revision Tips
Passing the CSCS test is very straightforward but most people underestimate just how difficult the test really is, instead they seem to think it’s all down to common sense.
Truthfully speaking, some questions will be common sense but most will require you to have done some CSCS test revision – especially for core topics that include fire extinguishers and fire safety procedures. That being said, here are some top tips to help with your CSCS test revision:
- Don’t underestimate the test – As I’ve mentioned above, don’t underestimate the CSCS test. Even though some people might say it’s common sense it’s not, if that was the case then there would be a 100% pass rate. Don’t set yourself up for failure, make time and put in the extra effort to get as much CSCS test revision done as you possibly can.
- Know your fire extinguishers – Time and time again we receive emails for test candidates who say that they’ve failed because of the fire extinguisher questions. They don’t know exactly which questions they answered incorrectly but they do know that they weren’t confident about these questions. Always pay extra attention to this section during your revision, don’t just cram it – take the time to actually learn it because it could save your life one day.
- Only revise what you need to know – You should focus your Health Safety and Environment test revision around the topics you need to know. The operatives test consists of 16 core topics but the official CSCS test revision book covers other specialist activities that may not relate to your test. If you’re taking the Operatives test you will only need to revise up to section D in the book, focus on these sections and maximise your time and effort here.
- Watch the setting out video – The setting out video will help you to answer the Behavioural Case Study questions. Watching this video is essential to your CSCS test revision because it explains the two main elements of the case study questions. Do not go into your test without watching it at least once – you can watch it here.
- Practice makes perfect – After you’ve completed enough revision, test what you’ve learned with our CSCS mock test here to see if you’re ready. Our practice questions will test your knowledge on all the core topics of the CSCS test for operatives.
How to get a CSCS card
When applying for a CSCS card, proving you have undergone appropriate training and hold the relevant qualifications to perform your job safely is an important element of the process. Your occupation, qualifications, and membership of professional associations will dictate the card classification suited to your needs.
To apply for a CSCS card, you should first consult the online CSCS card finder to establish the correct card for your occupation and circumstances. This will also verify which kind of CITB Health, Safety and Environment test you are required to complete. The test entry fee is £21, and information about test bookings can be obtained by calling 0344 994 4488.
Having completed your test, you should then telephone the CSCS Contact Centre (0344 9944 777), and have:
- Your card details at hand to pay for the card (£36 as of 2020);
- The full name, address and telephone contact number for your present/previous employer;
- Verified the application criteria applicable to the card you are requesting. You may, for example, be required to send copies of your certificates via email. Cards are normally sent out on the following working day.
Alternatively, you could download and complete an application form, and then mail it with your payment and documentation. However, please allow up to 35 working days for surface-mail applications.
Employers can get a CSCS card by emailing an Employer Application Form but should check that the card types requested are available via this application method. The specified named applicant will be contacted regarding queries and payment, and up to 20 working days should be allowed for the procedure.
How to Pass your CSCS Test
Passing your CSCS test is no different from passing any other test, you’ll need to revise the common topics covered in the test and you’ll need to familiarize yourself with some practice questions. Here’s our 4 step rule to passing the CSCS test in 2025:
The first step to gaining your CSCS cards comes through old fashion revision methods, before taking the test you will need to familiarize yourself with the core topics covered in the test. The official CSCS revision book provides all the health and safety questions and answers for everyone from site operatives all the way to managers.
The second step to passing your Health Safety and Environment test is practice, utilizing our CITB CSCS mock test will help prepare you for the real test by giving you an insight as to what the questions will look like and the level of difficulty you’re likely to encounter.
The third requirement for passing the CSCS test is to watch the setting out video, this short video explains what you can expect from the construction industry and what they can expect from you. This video will provide the foundation for the behavioural case study questions.
The final step is all up to you, just stay calm and go back to your revision notes and practice questions just before the test. Keep practicing for your CSCS test online until you feel confident enough to book your test.